Our Story

Local. Farming. Family. Once upon a time, selling produce direct from the farm was commonplace. Today, not many farmers can grow and sell produce and plants in farmstands grown and cared for just miles from the farmstand. 

The Klein family has a long-standing tradition and respected reputation for farming, dating back over 70 years. 

  • George and Phyllis Klein, parents of founder Randy Klein, lived on a dairy farm in Hanover Township a few miles east of Elgin, Illinois. During the 1950s, the Klein’s raised tomatoes for Campbell Soup Co. of Chicago. At 16 years of age, Randy was an active 4-H member and was allowed to grow sweet corn on a few acres at the family farm. He used a farm wagon to sell his corn at a nearby busy intersection. His earnings funded his education at Elgin Community College and Southern Illinois.

  • In 1961, the Klein family moved 25 miles west to a farm outside Burlington, Illinois. Randy married his college sweetheart Judy in 1966, and they operated two roadside stands in Elgin. Sweet corn was the mainstay, but soon other crops included tomatoes, peppers, melons, green beans, cucumbers, and pumpkins. Randy and Judy raised four children: Matt, Pam, Sheri, and Dan. Each had helped with the business to varying degrees over the years. However, after graduating from the University of Illinois, Matt returned to the farm in 1990 married his college sweetheart, Chris. Armed with an education and experience in farming and horticulture, Matt and Chris expanded the business with spring plants and a garden center. At the same time, Dan assisted in IPM and maintenance.

  • In the beginning, the Klein business often leased parking lots to set the iconic red barns to sell their farm-fresh produce. With a need for a more permanent structure, Randy and Judy purchased a building in 1974 just two miles west of Elgin, on Route 20, in Udina. As the years went by, Klein Farm and Garden Market became a household name and the go-to for pure fresh produce, demanding an additional property in 1999. A restaurant on Lillian Street was transformed into their second indoor market. With dreams of creating a larger, more accessible Farm and Garden center, Klein’s purchased a piece of land in 2018 located one-quarter mile west of the Udina location. Plans are underway to expand and develop a new retail market that would include a kitchen/bakery and the opportunity to grow a few crops on-site.

  • Since the passing of Randy in 2018 and Judy in 2021, Matt and Chris continue 70 year legacy of local family farming. Matt and Chris’s sons, Alex, Sam, and Jonathan, continue to assist in the family business. Alex and his wife, Krista, support the day-to-day operations. Sam and Jonathan have jobs off the farm but assist with fieldwork and have taken over the grain crop production. The future looks bright for the Klein family as the fifth generation now enjoys the land George and Phyllis owned and operated so many years ago. There is great optimism the newest generation of Kleins will continue this business and way of life. Randy would be proud!